The Payment Method Metadata object
The Payment Method Metadata object allows you to obtain additional information about a specific payment method used for a transaction.
The following inputs are available, indicated by the Type
– The of a card. The BIN is available in theCardInfo
parameter returned on transactions with a registered card: direct card pay-in, recurring pay-in (CIT), preauthorization, deposit preauthorization, card validation. It is also available in the Card object in the first 6 digits of theAlias
– The temporary token returned by the Google Pay API, as submitted in thePaymentData
parameter in the Google Pay pay-in.
Allowed values: BIN
The type of metadata.
Format: 6 or 8 digits
The bank identification number (BIN).
The tokenized payment data provided by the third-party payment method.
Allowed values: PAN_ONLY
In the case of Google Pay, the format of the Token
– The card is registered in the Google account and requires 3DS authentication.CRYPTOGRAM_3DS
– The card is enrolled in the customer’s Google Wallet and authentication is handled by the Android device.
Format: Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format)
The country where the card was issued.
The name of the card issuer.
Additional data about the card based on the BIN. In the case of co-branded card products, two objects are returned.
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